
William Shih-Chieh Hung, Oil Paintings

Published by People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in
Beijing China in 2001.
ISBN 7-102-02276-X

A hard cover, 14.5” x 11.5” coffee table fine art book containing 102 full page color prints of the artist’s paintings and 20 charcoal sketches. It has been collected by more than two hundred world renowned libraries, including The US Library of Congress, National Library of China, The British Library, The National Diet Library of Japan, Beijing University Library, Qing Hua University Library, The University of Hong Kong Library, Harvard University Library, Stanford University Library, The New York Public Library, San Francisco Public Library, Shanghai Library, Ottawa Public Library, Amsterdam Public Library and libraries of all 50 US States.

Back To Motherland

Artist & Mrs. William S. Hung

is a not-for-profit autobiographical and commemorative book. It details the artist’s first trip back to his hometown 26 years after immigrating to the US. The book has 364 full color pages containing 800 photos detailing the activities of the trip and the artist’s deep love for his hometown. One of the goals is to provide a communication tool for the artist’s family members in and out of China to help provide clarity and understanding as they seek to learn more about their heritage and ancestral roots.